Improvisación con autómata
Live at Piksel Bergen Norway 2009 by noish~
Software : Pure data, Ardour, Ubuntu
Infos + code : http://noconventions.mobi/noish
about the automata ::::::
Automata_Sonoro_v001 (generative sound machina) is a software
programmed in Pure Data for generating real-time sound compositions.
It creates compositions from 7 small sound seeds (samples of 5-15
seconds) with which it generates 7 files of 1 min, to be with those
who play after, transforming and mixing them iteratively in a
mechanical evolution, growth and deterioration. Its based on the
Fractal model and somehow with more conceptual distance also inspired
by the work of Alvin Lucier "I'm sitting in a room" 1969. All of this
does not chase to carry out strictly fractal music, but born of an
interest to know and experiment with these math-concepts and
strategies looking for a king of organic unpredicatability, noncontrol
and chaos with which creatively play during the live perfomance.
about Oscar Martin >> noish ~
A sound explorer, he bases his work on the deconstruction of field
recordings and the creative use of technology errors. Luthier-digital
with a “pure data” environment, which he uses to develop his own
experimental tools for processing and real time algorithmic-generative
composition. He can be placed somewhere between Computer Music, the
aesthetics of error, and generative noise.
He seeks the creation of virtual sound universes, imaginary
soundscapes that encourage active listening and a different
sensibility toward the perception of sound phenomena.
He works under the open source paradigm. All his work is published
under Creative Commons licence, by different recording labels and net
labels (dronerecords, tecnoNucleo, costellam, etc.).
His music has been presented both as a solo artists (noise dreams
machina, noish~) and along with a variety of collaborative projects
(Segmentation Fault with Xavi Manzanares Mecanikas with Moebius
Javier Marisco) in different spaces and national / international
festivals; Piksel.no (Begen-Norway), PdCon09 (Sau Paulo, Brazil) , Vad
(Girona), LEM06 (Barcelona), LAC08 (Koln, Germany), Mastul (Berlin), De
Player (Rotterdam), Maus Habitos (Porto), Remor0 (Girona ) Distorsion
(Mataro), size-Arteleku (Donostia), Labor-SummerLab (Gijón), Hangar
(Barcelona), Ulterior09 (Madrid), etc.
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